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Alternative Therapies In Guarulhos Brazil

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Eus Terapias
Eus Therapies was created to take care of physical, emotional and mental well-being through proper discipline and space and innovative therapies that provide relaxation, health and well-being. Its founder, Valéria Agra, has Indian origins and is monitored through Self Realization Fellowship.
Taróloga Drika Gomes
Drika Gomes is degree in business administration, tarot reader and numerologist for over 20 years. Works with the tarot for therapy that aimed self knowledge and the encounter with your essence. Services are online by skype / facebook (always offering the option of monitoring with audio and webcam), by phone and in person in the city of Guarulhos.
Espaço Holístico Sol
Av. Nova América 82Jd Santa Cecília , GUARULHOS
+55 11 95494-2918
Taróloga Drika Gomes em Guarulhos
Av. nova américa 82Jd Santa Cecília , GUARULHOS
+55 11 9 5494-2918
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